Edited August 29, 2017: This post was first published in March of 2016. Sadly, Jane Major passed away on August 5, 2017. Jane was a very quiet lady, and honestly, I didn’t really get to know her well myself but I know a lot of my readers and fellow guild members knew her very well and her presence …
Art Quilt By Thea Rijkhoff: Community – My Little Village
About Thea I grew up in the the Netherlands, in a small seaside town. I learned to cross stitch in school at a young age. Luckily I always had some art supplies to experiment with. In February 1980 I moved to Ontario, Canada with my husband and 7 month old daughter to start dairy farming. I …
Five key life lessons learned by a quilting teacher
Today we welcome Marie-Claire Charette as a guest blogger. Marie-Claire, a quilting teacher, is known as La Quilting Coach. Among her other offerings, she teaches classes using my patterns. I met her at a weekend presentation and bag sewing class in Orleans, Ontario this past January and it was such …
Art Quilt By Mary Eeg and Trisha DellaVella: Seeds of Promise
This profile features not one artist, but two. They've worked together on many other projects, so it was only natural for Mary Eeg and Trisha DellaVella to team up to make an art quilt for the TAQS show in Taiwan. These two ladies have worked together for a many years sewing, crafting, quilting, …
Art Quilt By Susan Teece: The Cooling Canopy
I have been obsessed with cutting up fabric and stitching it back together since I was a child. I have a degree in Textile Science and an interest in art and anthropology. I spent my career years as a Home Economics teacher. Now I spend my time stitching wall hangings, designing patterns and …
Art Quilt By Ursula Riegel: Re Re Re
About Ursula Ursula immigrated to Canada in 1985 with her family of husband Walter and two pre-school aged children, Ralf and Caren. All along they have lived in beautiful Victoria, BC. Just like most quilters profess, she has loved needlework and crafts from an early age. Prior to becoming a …