#SewPINK Initiative for breast cancer awareness month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as part of the #SewPink Initiative, I am pleased to offer a free downloadable pattern for my Tie a Ribbon Bag.
Personal experience
I’d also like to write to you about my life and how it’s been affected by cancer.
A few years ago our little yoga community was rocked as three members discovered that they had this illness. Since then we have lost our beloved teacher Sandy to the disease but take hope from the fact that two of our members survived and thrived.
As I write, my mom Irmgard and father-in-law Bob are both suffering from cancer. In their cases, it’s leukemia and lymphoma. My husband and family have spent our share of time in the oncology department waiting with them for chemotherapy, blood transfusions, IV treatments, and appointments.
How to help loved ones
Here are some things I have learned from my friends and family about helping. If your loved one is suffering perhaps this list will help you.
- Acknowledge the disease
- Be there as often as you can
- Cry with your loved one but laugh with them too
- Remember all the good times together
- Bring food and cook for them, do the dishes, laundry, and cleaning
- Allow them to make their own decisions and respect them
- Help them to bring about their plans for the future or for end of life
- Create events for them to look forward to
- Gather the family together as often as possible
- Let them rest
- Take them to their favorite restaurant as often as they like
- Pets help ease loneliness
- Help them with their hair and makeup, everybody wants to look their best no matter the circumstance
- Touch is healing
- Tell them often how much they are loved
Wisdom from Kathy
Those of you that follow me online know about my sister-in-law Kathy. She’s been a rock through my mom’s cancer journey.
Here’s something from her. “The only thing I have to add is a sign I saw awhile back, I think at the Cancer Clinic, but it’s stuck with me for a variety of situations:
“Don’t look back… you’re not going that way.”
“It’s all about staying positive, regardless of what’s happened in the past and looking forward.”
Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Canada
Find out more about breast cancer awareness month in Canada, access resources, or make a donation at the Canadian Cancer Society site. For those not in Canada, you’ll find more links below.
About the #SewPink Initiative
The #SewPink Initiative was created by ByAnnie.com LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. They have pledged to raise funds to donate to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation through sales and to promote action through giveaways.
To see the calendar of events visit: https://www.byannie.com/2019-SewPINK#calendar
For more information please visit the official #SewPINK information page: https://www.byannie.com/2019-SewPINK
To donate directly to the BCRF visit: https://give.bcrf.org/give/31404/#!/donation/checkout
ByAnnie will be donating 30% of profits on all SewPINK items sold at their web store. You can search for SewPINK items on their website or see the list of items here: https://www.byannie.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=sewpink
Find a screening program near you:
- https://www.breastscreen.nsw.gov.au/
- https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/screenings.htm
- https://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/free-breast-cancer-screening#1 (*)
Very cute bag 🙂