Has it snowed where you are? Has it been ghastly cold too? Rob and I decided to do some visiting recently just after a winter storm. Driving into my parents home farm is always a bit iffy in the winter. The winding lane is long, about ½ km (1/3 mile) and is famous for filling with snow. After last week’s storm there was no getting in or out with a normal vehicle and to top it off the regular snow plow guy, my brother, was sick with flu. Rob and I decided to brave the weather, get groceries and walk them in from the road.
I packed Rob’s old childhood sleigh in the van along with a tote carrying the groceries my Mom had ordered. We had also made two pizzas to share for lunch. After parking at the end of the farm’s long drive, Rob decided he’d dig out the deep snow around the tires so we’d be able to get out later. He got busy with the shovel he brought along and I got organized to walk in.
I bungeed the tote with the groceries to the sleigh and slung my Daytripper Backpack over my back.
The Daytripper was filled with more groceries. It was quite a trudge pulling my little sled through the drifts. Boy, was I glad I had been working out at home each morning! The wind was bitter and it took some doing but I was happy to deliver the groceries and our pizza lunch to the front door. Being snow stranded, Mom was happy to see me!
Yeah, saved!
But where was Rob? Looking back there was no sign of him. We decided I’d better walk back through the drifts to find him just in case he’d had a mishap. After going around the second bend I spotted him – digging the driveway out with his snow shovel. He’d decided to advance the van, dig and then advance the van some more to make a trail to the house.
So we decided to dig out the driveway by hand. I trekked back to the house got another shovel and started at that end clearing towards Rob, and Rob continued to advance towards me and the house.

We felt pretty proud of ourselves when done. Nobody had EVER dug out that driveway by hand before. Mostly it was Rob, but I didn’t do too badly myself.
Mom thawed us out with a little brandy in the kitchen. We were soon enjoying our pizzas and having a good visit while watching Wild Turkeys, Chickadees, Junkos, Blue Jays, Cardinals and a Flicker feast on bird seed outside.
Ah, there’s snowplace like home!
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