Join us Friday and Saturday, July 27 & 28, 2018
With the Grand Opening of the ABQ Sewing Studio coming up this Friday and Saturday there has been a lot going on at 77 Thomas Street.
I’ve gussied up the studio for you, added items for sale, redecorated the front window and organized some interesting displays. For instance, if weather permits we will be hanging some of my quilts from the front of the building.
Wouldn’t it be great to touch off a spark and get something akin to the Sister’s Oregon show here in Strathroy! Why not???
Local radio station will be there on Saturday
Samantha Pollard is coming with the 105.7 myFM-mobile between 10:00 and 11:00 am on Saturday. Too cool right?
Quilt on display at the Credit Union
I also got permission to hang a quilt at our local Libro Credit Union. It’s just a stone’s throw from my back door. I’m back and forth from there a couple times a week. I didn’t hang my quilt there on Friday because I needed to create a poster to pin to the quilt advertising the Grand Opening. I figured Monday would be soon enough.
When I drove up to the studio at 8 am on Monday here’s what I saw over at Libro…
Yikes! When the staff arrived a fuse was smoldering, filling the building with stinky gray smoke. The fire department quickly had them back to work after sorting out the problem. The doors were left open to air out the place and all was soon right with the world at Libro.

This is a retired quilt pattern but if you would like one just email and I can print it for you.
Join us
Barring any fire, flood, windstorm, or other interesting event, I hope to see you Friday or Saturday in the studio at 77 Thomas Street in Strathroy.
If you know our downtown, we are on the block behind Poag’s Jewelry.
Don’t miss out!
- The first 50 people on Friday get a gift!!!
- We’ll have a raffle for some nice items
- Save big on patterns and zippers. If you buy three zippers you get the fourth one (the least expensive one) for free. It’s the same deal with the patterns!
- Plus, 10% off on upcoming classes when you book and pay at the event. What a fun way to save!
Cake and other goodies will be available for your enjoyment. See you soon…
A quilt weekend show in Strathroy, why not… you now have a beautiful store/udio. dream big!
Enjoy those little babies!
That’s what I say, why not? Baby time is coming up after the Grand Opening… :))
Too bad you can’t get Harry to run the shop. He would be a big help I’m sure. Grandbabies will grow so quickly-enjoy them so much while they are tiny.
If only I could! Thanks Agnes the grandbabies are truly ‘grand’!