The end is finally in sight! I think the end is finally in sight on the ABQ Sewing Studio reno. There was lots of human traffic on the new floors when a team of 4 electricians from D & B Electric swooped in to finish off some odd electrical jobs. My brother Ralph busied himself finishing …
Repairs to ABQ Sewing Studio Building
"Did some kind of crime take place here?" This was the question one passerby asked me this past week while I was outside painting. One would think so with all the police tape secured around my building. But if you have been following the story of my studio renovation, you'll know all about the …
ABQ Sewing Studio Plans Disrupted?
Or, the rise and "fall" of my business empire It's Friday as I am writing. It's been a week of finishing up some things at the new ABQ sewing studio, like the interior painting. It's taken eight coats of paint in places where black chalkboard paint was applied by the previous owner. With the …
Diaper Bags and Quilts for New Babies
A week away from work My son Paul and his wife Leah live 7 hours away in Ottawa, and because of that, we have a hard time scheduling around work and events to get enough visiting time with them. This is especially important now that the two of them are expecting twins! Last week was our …
ABQ Sewing Studio, New Home of Among Brenda’s Quilts & Bags
Editor's note: This post was published in 2018 when ABQ Sewing Studio first opened in Strathroy, Ontario. As of April 25, 2022, we've moved to 15 Centre Street West, a few blocks from our original location. It's been a busy month here at Among Brenda's Quilts & Bags. If you've kept up with the …
Sewing Projects For Spring
CreativFestival, Spring ? - 2018 Did you happen to visit CreativFestival in Toronto this past weekend before icy Armageddon descended? That's where my sister-in-law Kathy and I spent the weekend in our ABQ booth at the International Center near Pearson Airport. The spring show is a two-day …